Car Dealership Software

Fixed Operations: Fixing What Needs To Be Fixed

Written by Kristine | Oct 12, 2022 6:23:17 PM

When you're in the auto service industry, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations of your business. After all, there are so many moving parts, and they're always changing! But if you don't take a step back from time to time and really think about what's going on in your shop and how things might be improved, you could miss out on some great opportunities for growth.

Why Do Dealerships Need To Fix Their Fixed Ops?

The automotive industry is changing at a rapid pace, and dealerships are under increasing pressure to keep up. One of the biggest challenges for dealerships is managing fixed operations—the work that goes into keeping their service and parts departments running smoothly.

For example, in today's world of digital marketing, social media, and mobile apps, dealerships need to be able to offer customers a better experience than ever before. This means that dealerships have to create a more efficient and effective way for their customers to book appointments online or on their phones. It also means that they need to make it easier than ever before for customers who walk into their showrooms or call them on the phone to get help with any questions they might have about their vehicles.

In order to do this, dealerships need tools that allow them to do everything from tracking service appointments and parts orders all the way through payment processing and invoicing—all while staying compliant with state and federal laws.

How can you help your dealership stay competitive in a fast-paced industry that's constantly shifting? The answer is simple: You need to change your approach to fixed operations if you want to stay competitive in a fast-paced industry that's constantly shifting.

    1. Make customer experience a priority. A customer's experience starts before they even walk into your dealership, so it's important to make sure they feel welcome when they arrive! Make sure you have clear signage and easy-to-find customer service representatives. The more comfortable your customers feel, the more likely they are to return—and refer friends!
    2. Improve employee satisfaction and retention. If your employees aren't happy with their jobs, they're not going to be as motivated or engaged in their work. That means things like turnover rates will go up, which costs money. You'll also miss out on valuable employee knowledge if you lose them too early in their tenure with your company. This can be challenging because many employees don't realize how much value there is in an employee retention strategy until it's too late—so make sure you're doing everything possible from day one!
    3. Streamline processes and eliminate waste wherever possible. By streamlining, you'll make sure that every task is performed in the most efficient and effective manner possible—which saves time and money. You also have to think about what kind of waste your company is generating on a daily basis. Is there something that can be done differently or eliminated altogether? or better yet why not use dealer management software like Quickride to automate the process?

Quickride’s shuttle management software for dealers can help you cut down on paperwork, which means less time spent on administrative tasks and more time for sales staff to focus on customer relationships. If you're working with a lot of different dealerships or locations, this is especially important! Automating the process also saves money by eliminating manual errors that come from having employees type in data by hand. Contact us today to find out how.

Where Are The Revenue Gaps?

The auto service and repair industry is a complex one. There are many moving pieces to keep track of, and each piece has its own set of problems to contend with. The most important thing to do when you're trying to figure out where the revenue gaps are in your business is to take a step back and look at the big picture: 

The first step is to get clear on what you want to achieve. In this case, it's revenue growth. Next, create a list of factors that influence your dealerships' ability to generate revenue. These are usually broken down into three buckets:

  • Customer knowledge: How well do you understand your customer's needs and wants? The more you know about them, the easier it is to tailor your offer and make sure they're satisfied with their purchase.
  • Service quality: Are technicians properly trained in upselling techniques so they can effectively communicate the value of additional services?
  • Operations efficiency: Has your team been given the right tools and training so they can quickly identify problems and fix them efficiently?

If you can't answer yes to each of these questions, it's time to take a hard look at your business model and make some changes. You may be surprised by how much more revenue you're able to generate when all three buckets are working together—especially if your customers are loyal and willing to pay a premium for high-quality service. 

The Solution

The automotive industry is facing a number of challenges right now, and the issues are not going away any time soon. With all of this uncertainty, it's important to ask yourself: what can I do to help my business thrive in this new world?

Here are some tips on how to navigate through these challenges and emerge stronger than ever.

  1. Be flexible. In order for your business to survive in a volatile market, you'll need to be able to adapt quickly and easily. Don't be afraid of change—embrace it! You may have been doing things one way forever, but that doesn't mean that it's the best way anymore. Take a step back and evaluate your current processes before deciding if they're still effective or not. If they aren't working as well as they used to (or at all), then make an effort toward finding something new that will work better instead of simply staying put with the same old thing over again because it seems easier than searching for something else out there somewhere else instead.
  2. Identify the problem. Make sure everyone knows what they need to do (or stop doing) in order to fix this issue and keep customers happy. 
  3. Make sure to remain proactive about this issue by testing new products and services on a regular basis to see if they're as good as you think they are. This way, you'll always be one step ahead of the competition and your customers will be happy with the service they receive from you!
  4. Do an assessment at the end of each month/quarter/year so that you can see if there are any other areas where improvements need to be made or any other problems that need to be addressed before they snowball into something worse!

When it comes to automotive service and repair, being reactive is the norm. But you can change that.

Service departments are often reactive because they have to be—they're working with individual customers who have individual problems, so they need to respond to those problems as they happen. But if your service department is proactive rather than reactive, you'll be able to anticipate issues and solve them before they turn into problems that cost time and money for your dealership.