Car Dealership Software

Warranty Ride Reimbursement and Shuttle Tracking 101

Written by Kristine | Mar 30, 2022 4:41:45 PM

In the first half of 2021, NADA determined that dealerships wrote over 136 million repair orders totaling $60 billion in parts and services. This represents a large portion of revenue for dealerships. It is worth investing in this profit generating sector by implementing software to optimize processes and increase productivity. Shuttle tracking is one feature of car dealership software that offers a strong ROI when implemented in a service center setting. 

Quickride’s Shuttle management software offers several advantages to warranty ride reimbursement, data reporting, optimization, and automation. 

Providing a shuttle service for service center customers is an added value that can generate additional revenue for a dealership. To turn this service that was traditionally viewed as a cost generator into a profit producer, accurate shuttle ride tracking is required. With automated shuttle software, dealership service centers can accurately track operations to ensure full reimbursement from vehicle manufacturers. Additionally, shuttle software can streamline processes, reduce operating costs, and widen profit margins. 

Data Reporting for Reimbursement & Workflow Improvement

Data is the key to improving and optimizing shuttle service workflows. In addition, accurate data reporting is crucial for identifying inefficiencies. Once these opportunities for improvement are identified, dealerships can make strategic changes. Over time, these changes will lead to increased productivity and a greater ROI. With efficiency at the top of mind, data can become hard to manage if there are many inputs, metrics, and sources. Software that has an option to automatically record and generate reports can be crucial to generating more revenue for your dealership. For example, a simple option that records whether a shuttle ride is eligible under warranty for reimbursement can help you accurately record this information to get the biggest reimbursement possible.

Accurate information is about more than just processes. This data can also aid in improved inter-departmental communication. For example, historical data aids in better future shuttle demand planning. As a result, the dealership’s service center can now communicate with other departments about the future volume of shuttle demand. 

Task Automation & Optimized Driver Routing 

To streamline operations, automation is critical. Reducing the number of manual tasks that service center agents need to perform can also reduce the occurrence of human error, bottlenecks, and missed opportunities. It allows service center agents to perform other tasks for greater productivity. A shuttle program is no longer limited by the agent’s ability to manage the program manually. Automation can also reduce delays, as the software can automatically move shuttle appointments through the system without manual intervention. 

Operating a shuttle service can represent escalating costs when not correctly managed. Using a shuttle tracking service with built-in optimization algorithms is essential for reducing and maintaining shuttle service operational costs. This includes reduced fuel costs, vehicle wear and tear, and miles driven. With optimized shuttle trips, operational costs reduce, maximizing ROI and profits. 

A slightly harder to quantify benefit is improved customer satisfaction. This is done through faster appointment response time, and fewer missed appointments. In addition, greater performance consistency means improved customer satisfaction. As more of your service center customers have a positive experience, the result is increased repeat shuttle service usage and referrals. 

A complimentary service center shuttle program enables a dealership to be more marketable in a competitive landscape. Service centers can automate processes, reduce operating costs, accurately track data, and submit for full reimbursement from vehicle manufacturers with the right warranty ride and shuttle tracking software. If you’re a Ford/Lincoln, General Motors, Stellantis (formerly FCA), Toyota, or KIA dealer, you could be missing out on free money from the manufacturer! Optimize your service center shuttle service and start collecting warranty ride reimbursements with your 30 day free trial of Quickride.